Chewing culture III., 2010

acrylic and chewing gums on canvas

130 x 100 cm

Chewing culture IV., 2010

acrylic and chewing gums on canvas

130 x 100 cm

Substitution of Forms I., 2009

acrylic on canvas

120 x 160 cm

Substitution of Forms II., 2009

acrylic on canvas

160 x 120 cm

Substitution of Forms III., 2009

acrylic on canvas

120 x 160 cm






Substitution of Forms IV., 2009

acrylic on canvas

120 x 160 cm

Contemporary Barbie I., 2010

acrylic on canvas

100 x 80 cm

Contemporary Barbie II., 2010

acrylic on canvas

100 x 80 cm